The new versions of programs vkACL.jar are added. These are much better in many points.
The new versions of programs vkACL.jar are added - both short and long. They have new possibilities as well as new ready acl-programs.
The new site "vkBook, Program by Java" is added, where the first cicle of lectures "First" is presented about a Java programming
The new version (6.9.20) of the program ACLapplets is presented without "tails" from higher versions.
The program is compilled with version 1.2.2. Unfortunately I have no compiler of earlier version.
The home page changes it's face.
The new program ACLapplets is added. This is ACL interpreter made as an Java applet for web-pages.
The new version of programs vkACL.jar, ACLpro.jar and Periodical Table are presented. In new versions the unique icon is used and the error is removed in the dialog windows. Now the dialog windows are glued to the main window and they cannot disappear when other windows of operating system are opened.
The Java virtual machine is added as an archive distributed in 12 files.
The program "Mendeleev Table" is added. It is a first example of applying the ACL player ACLpro.jar.
The program is a self-enhanced reference book for elements of Periodical Table of elements.
The new versions of the programs vkACL.jar è ACLpro.jar are presented. In these versions the command of text editor is enhanced by a possibility to show pictures and web-sites.
The new program ACLpro.jar is presented. It is a player of ready ACL-programs.
The error diagnostics are added and ACL description is improved in desktop versions. The light version of smaller size is presented.
The error is improved in the program "books.acl".
The error is improved and menu item [Help/Setting] allows one to correctly change all parameters.
The new version 6.5.25 of the program "vkACL.ewe" is presented. The new version differs from old one by two points.(1) In the first line of the file "start.acl" in 8-th and 9-th fields one can change the number of rows and columns for the editor window. Normally they are equal to 17 and 32. On some pocket computers these numbers lead to problems. One can try to solve the problems by finding more good numbers. On a desktop one can increase the editor window even up to a total screen. Note that the 7-th field defines the size of the system font. In the program shell it can be changes in the menu item [Help/Settings]. However in this version such way works only for the given run and it does not saved. I will improve this error in the near future and will let you know about it. Now you can change the font size by hand.
(2) The new modification of running the interpreter is appeared when the ready ACL-program works without shell. Unfortunately, I am not able to run bat-files on PDA, and I don't know is it possible in principle. Therefore to run this modification the total file name counted from the interpreter folder should be inputted in the first field of the second line of the file "start.acl". If this file does not exist, the normal modification is running. Remember that the fields are separated by the sign | (vertical line)
Who don't like these changes can use the old version 6.5.17