vkACL ... Introduction for users.
General information ||
Command information
Parameters ||
Calculator ||
Procedure ||
Execute ||
Data ||
Pass ||
Repeat ||
Case ||
Stop ||
Read ||
File ||
Text ||
Message ||
Input ||
Select ||
Color ||
Window ||
Graphics ||
Tables ||
version 5.02.15
The program vkACL is made using Java-Ewe language. Its aim is to be the interpreter of
the new language which is specially elaborated and called "Advanced Command
Language" (ACL). By this property the program is similar to old Basic or DOS commander.
Shortly the program is ACL interpreter called below as ACLI.
Its functionality at present consists of a programmable calculator
added by elements of operating system and some useful commands for graphics,
interface creating and so on. The input stream of program is the text inside some
file which may be prepared with a use of any text editor including the text editor
of the ACLI shell. There are some set of ready ACL-programs which can be run directly
from the main menu of ACLI shell (see below).
The text of the ACL must contain the set of commands of ACL.
Each command must be added by parameters and arguments according to its structure. The
set of commands will be treated as the ACL-program. When such ACL-program is
executed by ACLI, the latter examines directly one command after another one. The errors
are fixed during the execution. If the first command is right, it is executed.
Then the second command is checked. If it is right, it is executed as well and so
on. If the error is fixed, the ACLI stops its work and shows message with error.
Then if you wish to continue you will obtain the ACL-program text at the point where
the error was found. You must improve the error and
run the ACL-program once again. Sometimes the position of error is not fixed if the
text was read from the extra file but it is special and seldom case. At any case
the ACLI shows the small piece of text containing the error point near the end.
The program vkACL must work with the Ewe-Java Virtual Machine (EVM) which is adapted for
the PDA computers. It uses a 16-point font of this EVM which may be changed in principle
in various realizations of the ACLI but up to now i cannot make it dynamically.
This size of font is the same as for keyboard of PDA.
To have a complete coincidence with the PDA when you are working on desktop the program
uses small size of the main window on the desktop as well. However, some graphics or other
windows can have larger size on desktop up to whole screen size. Of course, such pictures
cannot be displayed on PDA correctly and they have sense only on the desktop. Nevertheless
without any modifications the PDA shows large pictures centering on its screen so you
can see only the central part of the picture.
It is evident that vkACL is much easy to use in PDA computers
compared to Java-Ewe language programming because the compiller is not necessary.
The program may be created and directly run for obtaining the result. In addition, the
ACL language is more simple and easy to learn, the number of commands is not large,
but they are well adapted for various useful works and have short names.
There is some problem with the decimal delimiter of real numbers. In some countries
it is a comma (1,23) while in other countries it is a point (1.23). The ACLI can read
both representations and can write the numbers in both styles. However, a comma is more
preferable because it is better seen on the PDA screen with small letters.
The program vkACL
uses the standard text editor of the Ewe virtual machine. Sometimes it appears
without cursor (out of focus). Simply click on the text to give focus, then cursor
will appear. To scroll the text you must
move the cursor by keyboard or mouse (desktop) and by pen or joystick (PDA). If
cursor comes near the bottom or top of the screen the text will be scrolled
You can select any menu item at any time to make your work.
The ACLI begins its work with running some ACL-program inside the file
called "start.acl". This file contains some useful information on the first lines
which is used by the program dynamically. In addition it and may be added by very
complicated ACL-program which is able to make the whole work.
If the ACL-program inside the "start.acl" file does not execute the command to
exit the interpreter, then you come to the vkACL shell which allows you to create new
ACL-programs and run them. There is standard file "start.acl" written by author with
only necessary lines. The user can use this file
or add its contents. However, to avoid the errors, please always make a copy of the
original file.
The ACL-programs are saved in the files within the subfolders of the main folder of the
ACLI. This is necessary because the PDA has other file structure compared to Windows
and the absolute position of some file is unknown. It is known only relative the main
folder of the program. Below the name [vkACL] will be used for this folder. Many ready
ACL-programs are distributed with the ACLI. All of these has an extension "acl". To start
quickly it is convenient to use menu item
* [ Run // File viewer ]
It shows all file structure of the computer. Select any file in the folder [pro] and
the text of the file will appear in the text editor field. Don't use folders [demo],
[hdata] and [dbase] because they contains well done programs which must stay unchanged.
In addition the folders [demo] and [hdata] are killed at the end of program work to
prevent their change. When you are working with program and stop the ACLI by means of
* [ Prog // Exit ]
then at the next run you can use directly a menu item
* [ Prog // Continue ]
This menu item is convenient if one worked with the ACL-program before and like to
continue. To begin a work with programs from other files, one can select a working
subfolder with menu item
* [ Prog // Set folder ]
and file name of the program with menu item
* [ Prog // Open program ]
Note that one can select many levels of subfolder structure by mean of typing
instead of simple name of subfolder. To save the new program text one can use menu item
* [ Prog // Save program ]
However, it is often not necessary because the program is saved each time when
it is running (executed), but before the executing.
The menu items (//New) and (//Save as) are absent. It is difficult to write the program
starting with an empty page. To create the new program, it is easy to make a copy of some
existing file with other name and to edit it. This copy may be done by means of ACL or
using current OS. On desktop sometimes it is useful to begin creating the program with
a use of external editor, which you like to use. And only after the main code becomes
partially ready use the vkACL shell. Note that [Set folder] and [Open program] are old
options of the first version. Now the same can be done through [File viewer].
Note that a chosen working folder is used for execution of all input/output operations
since #io command has only a parameter [file] with file name. However, typing the file
name as "subfolder/name" one can use internal subfolders of working subfolder
or "../subfolder/name" allows one to use equivalent subfolder. But a use of ../ on PDA
can lead to problems. Note the working folder can be changed by the ACL-program.
The special name of folder "null" means the main folder of ACLI.
If the ACL-program is ready to use one can run it by menu item
* [ Exec // Execute program ]
During the execution some messages will appear in the text window. If the execution goes
to finish without errors, the text editor becomes clear and shows the special text
pointing the end. Using menu item
* [ Prog // Continue ]
you can restore the program text with the cursor at the first
appearance of string "@@@". The user can put this string at any place of the program text
where he want to have cursor after calculation.
In the case of errors, the program will show error message and then restore the program text
at the point where the error was fixed.
If the ACL-program made some printing by #print command, the result can be shown by menu item
* [ Exec // Show textarr ]
The text array will be saved into the file called "textarr.txt" in the main folder of ACLI
and then shown in the separate editor. Finally, if the ACL program due to some error or
other reasons cannot leave some loop, it can be done by force with menu item
* [ Exec // Stop execution ]
Unfortunately the PDA keyboard is restricted. Therefore to enhance a possibility to edit
the text of program the menu items
* [ Edit // Page Up ]
* [ Edit // Page Dn ]
* [ Edit // Home ]
* [ Edit // End ]
make the same job as the keyboard buttons with the same names. Additionally the item
* [ Edit // Find ]
allows you to put cursor at nearest location of some word moving down from the current
cursor position. This allows one to move across the text very quickly. The size of page
in lines, namely, the number of lines per page can be changed by menu item
* [ Help // Settings ]
Other items of menu [Help] allows user to obtain total information about language, namely,
about all commands and parameters and some ideas of programming as well as the table of
all names.
The menu item
* [ Run // Demo ACL programs ]
allows one to use ready ACL programs written by author (V. Kohn). These programs cannot be
changed because they are located in the folder [demo]. Among them one finds the real
demo-program, but all others are simple and useful programs which can be used in practical
work. Of course, they demonstrate possibilities of the ACL as well. Another menu item
* [ Run // User ACL programs ]
simply run the ACL program "programs.acl" inside the folder [pro]. This program can be
modified by user to be a dispatcher of different ready program written in various files by user.
similarly to that made by author.
[ back to top ]
This topic presents minimum information about commands which is sufficient to prepare
a simple program. The methods of programming and some examples can bee seen elsewhere.
ACL -- advanced command language
ACLI -- ACL interpreter, java-ewe program
FPD -- the field of parameter definitions
FT -- the formatted text
[a] -- the symbol a
Each command begins with [#] and can have as long name as it is convenient for the user.
However, the name may be shortened to the unique form for each command. The unique form
is given below in round brackets.
The ACL-program can operate with the memory which consists of variables, arrays and
parameters. The set of variables is not large. They are marked by one letter from [a] to
[z], then from [A] to [Z], and finally there are three variables of special meaning [$],[%],[&].
All variables are real (double precision). There are one integer array i(), one real array r(),
one text array of unicode characters t() and the array s() of integer parameters.
All integers are of 4 bytes, reals are of 8 bytes.
Note that the variables are ordered in the array as well and this order is pointed above.
Sometimes this can be used. The arrays have limited sizes. They are begins with a(1) and
the maximum elements are i(5000), r(10000), t(50000), s(100). This memory is general
for all procedures and all programs during one run of ACLI. When one ACL-program runs
after other ACL-program it obtains the memory from the preceding program without clearing.
So if you need to have empty memory, you must clear it.
Despite of the user cannot use many arrays or strings of different names such memory
allows to make any job. In addition it is simple and all work consists of definition
of indices. The sizes of arrays can be increased, but up to now i cannot see such necessity.
The description of commands is presented step by step. You need to read all for
understanding something. The order of commands is not alphabetical, it is from simple to
more and more complicated.
[ back to top ]
Parameters (p)
#p [ ... ]
This command makes nothing except it defines the parameters. The field of parameter definitions
(FPD) is limited by square brackets [...].
Within the names of the commands and the parameters small and capital letters are considered as
the same. The integer parameters are the elements of the integer array s(100).
Some of them have the names and can be defined in the FPD of any command. Once defined parameter
keeps its value up to the next redefinition. By this property parameters are different from the
arguments which does not have names and should follow after the command name and FDP in the order
which is set by their definitions.
Some of nameless parameters are changed by the ACLI during
the commands execution. This is a way of interaction between ACLI and user.
The arguments are read once in the current command and do not keep. Of course, the integer
parameters may be defined in #cal command as the elements of s().
However, there are some text parameters which can be defined only within the FPD. The correspondence
between the parameter names and s() see in a special table. The table also contains the shortened
name for each parameters. The meaning of parameters will be
explained simultaneously with the commands.
[ back to top ]
Calculator (c)
#c a=3,14; ...
This command has no parameters. It only opens the field of the mathematical expressions which
are it's argument. The name of command can be shortened to one letter but it is possible to use
this operator without the letter at all, only with one sign [# ].
The argument is any
sequence of the mathematical expressions which has the following structure:
<variable> = <value> <;>
where <variable> may be a simple variable [a]--[z], [A]--[Z], [$],[%],[&] as well as
the element of the arrays i(), r(), s(), t(), <value> may be a numerical value,
a variable or any set of values and variables connected by the signs of the mathematical operations:
( ) < > ^ * / + -
with the priority of execution in the shown order. All operations are standard except two, namely,
[<] and [>]. The operations ( a<b ) and ( a>b ) mean the minimum and maximum
values from two values [a] and [b].
For example, ( a<1 ) means a if a is less than 1 and 1 in the opposite case. Before the
expression in the round brackets there may exist the name of function which consists of three letters.
The ACLI currently is able to work with the functions:
abs - absolute value,
sqr - square root,
log - logarithm (natural),
exp - exponent,
sin - sine,
ars - reverse sine,
cos - cosine,
arc - reverse cosine,
tan - tangent,
art - reverse tangent,
rnd - random number generator,
int - integer part.
The righthand side is finished by the sign <;> (separator). The argument is finished on
the symbol [#] which is the beginning of the following operator as well as on the symbol [@]
which is the end of the procedure description (see below).
The index of the element of arrays can be number, variable or any their combination through
the mathematical operations but without the brackets and elements of arrays. In the
transformation of number from the real value to the integer, for example, in the expression
i(1)=r(1); the ACLI takes the near integer number.
Note this rule is extended also on the other mathematical commands #data and #pass (see below).
For the selection of the integer part of the number it is necessary to use the function int(...).
The numerical value can be written with both comma and point as a decimal delimiter. It also
can have exponential form with 'E' or 'e' followed by degree of 10 to multiply.
Here some valid numerical values are presented: 1,23 1.23 12,3E-1 0.123E1 123e-2
[ back to top ]
Print (pri)
#pri FT
Any program must have a possibility to print the results. The standard way is a usage of
the terminal as a separate window where the results of all print operations are shown currently.
However, the PDA computers have a small screen and only one window is acceptable at a time.
Therefore the ACLI uses the text array t() as a terminal. The size of this array is 50000 characters.
It can be increased by author, if necessary, but for many applications it is sufficient.
The command #pri fills this array record by record. It uses the specific argument FT (formatted text).
Note that this argument may be used for definition of the text parameters as well if it begins with \ .
FT is the composition of the direct text and different text transforms like the text form of the
numbers, arbitrary unicode characters or refers on the text array itself. Also a set of special symbols
of C and Java languages is realized.
The structure of the FT can be represented by the next formula:
FT == ...\b ...\t ...\n ...\r
...\" ...\' ...\\ ...\- ...\# ...\@
...\[ ...\] ...\D ...\T<ifc> <nc>
...\U n n n*m ; ...\N<nt> <nf> n n n ;
...\G n n n ; ...\B<nt> <nf> n n n ; ...\E
Here ... means the usual text which begins from the first symbol excluding not blanks. The blanks
before the text are ignored for the better view of the structure. Moreover, in front of the usual
text there may be comments inside the ![ ... ]! frame which begins with 2 symbols ![ and ends
with 2 symbol ]! . Of course, the real text cannot begins with ![ to avoid the error. The set
of C characters means
\b backspace
\t tab
\n line feed
\r carriage return
\" symbol "
\' symbol '
\\ symbol \
Additional commands allows one to include ACLI specific symbols.
\# symbol #
\@ symbol @
\[ symbol [
\] symbol ]
\- nothing. This command is necessary if one like to put one line of simple text which is
typed on several lines. Without this command the symbol of the end of line will be included in
the simple text like \n, but after this command end of line will be treated as blank symbol and
will be ignored.
The new transforms means as follows
\D --- this command includes in the FT the standard text containing the current date and time.
\T<ifc> <nc> --- this is a part of the text array t() (characters). <ifc> <nc>
are 2 values separated by blanks. <ifc> defines the index of the first character,
whereas <nc> is a number of characters. Since ACLI gives the beginning and size of each
record the user have a possibility to know what is written to t().
\U n n n*m n ; --- this is a set of characters represented by its integer unicode values.
So n are simple integer - index of character in the unicode table. First 128 characters coincide
with the ASCII symbols. The construction n*m means that n must be taken m times. The list is
finished by the symbol <;> The absence of this symbol can lead to error of unclear diagnostics.
\N<nt> <nf> n n n ; --- this is the command to insert in the formatted text the
decimal value of the numerical variables or elements of arrays in accordance with the format.
Here <nt> defines the total number of symbols of the text and <nf> defines the
number of digits of the fractional part. These are followed by variables separated by blank,
the list is finished by the sign <;>. If the value <nt> is larger than it is
necessary, extra positions will be filled by blanks. The special modes: if <nt> is equal
to zero then the number of symbols for the value is defined automatically and the length of
the text fragment depends on the value; if <nt> is equal to -1 then the number is represented
in the standard real format with the definite length (11 symbols). The decimal delimiter is a comma.
\G n n n ; --- this is the same as \N-1 0 n n n ; . This standard looks as [ -1,2345+00] that
is the number has 4 digits for the fractional part and exponential form is without 'E'.
\B<nt> <nf> n n n ; --- this is the same as "E<nt>.<nf>" of FORTRAN language.
The decimal delimiter is a point and the exponential form begins with 'E'. The example
for nt=15 nf=5 is [ 1.23456E+00]. This format is useful for working on desktop for compatibility
with other programs.
\E --- this command just means the end of the FT. The absence of this command will lead to error.
The formatted text can contain many lines if one uses \n or \U10; or it is typed on many lines.
However, any new lines will begins with the first position if only a simple text is used.
To insert blanks at the beginning of the new line one needs to use \t or \U32*m;
The ability of preparing any beautiful text will come with the experience. Once printed the text from
the terminal can be saved into the file as the text array t().
The parameter s(3)==j is used as a pointer where the FT will be written to the text array t(),
namely, it will be placed from the t(j). Normally this parameter is defined automatically record
by record.
At the start of the program s(3)=1. When the first record is done, s(3) is changed to the first
free element. And so on. However, user has a possibility to define this parameter by hand and
the order of records will be changed.
Of course, since this parameter shows the current free position in the standard mode of working,
it points on the size of determined text array due to all #print commands.
It is useful to note here once again that the parameter s(4) contains the beginning of the
last performed record to t() for both the #print and the #io command while the parameter s(5)
shows the size of the last record.
The parameter s(6) is used to inform about a current size of filled text array.
When the program is finished the filled part of the text array t() can be shown by
Menu item (Execute//Show textarr) within the same editor window. In this operation s(6) is used as
a size of t(). To restore the text of program use Menu item (Execute//Restore program).
The parameter s(6) is defined automatically but can be changed by user.
[ back to top ]
Procedure (pro)
#pro NAME ... @
When ACLI meets this command it remembers the points of beginning and end of the program text
between the word NAME and the sign [@] which means the end of the procedure (large point).
This information is connected with the name NAME. However ACLI does not execute the commands
inside this part of text. These commands will be executed later on demand from the command #exec .
The name of procedure NAME must be put after the command and must contain 4 symbols, including
blank symbols, but first symbol must be letter different from [\].
One important exception
is NAME == file. This name is reserved for other purpose (see below).
The procedure body may contain other procedures up to 25 levels and total number of currently
determined procedures cannot exceed 200. These reasonable restrictions can be improved if necessary.
[ back to top ]
Execute (e)
#e [cod= ;] NAME NAME ...
This command executes the sequence of the procedures according their names. The simple
command #e NAME takes from the catalog of previously defined procedures the start point and the
end point of this procedure and change the pointer to the begin of the procedure remembering the
point where the program should continue after the end of procedure.
However, the execution is performed only if the special condition [cod=&;] is fulfilled where
[cod] is the parameter and [&] is the variable. This condition is applied to the total sequence of
all procedures for one #e command.
The variable [&] can be redefined inside the command #calc whereas the parameter [cod] can be
redefined in the FPD of any command, but it is useful to define it in the FPD of this command for
better understanding the program code. For example, the command
#e [cod=&;] NAME
or equivalent form
#e _NAME
is always performed. On the contrary
#e [cod=&+1;] NAME
is always not performed.
As it is pointed above, the symbol [_] before the first NAME just means unconditional execution. The
list of names may include the comments which is opened by the sign [;] and closed by the sign [=].
There are two important exception. If NAME == file, the text of procedure will be taken from the
file which name is determined by the parameter [file].
The ACLI always search such files within the special folder named [proc] inside the main folder.
It is necessary because the current working folder is used for other files. On the other hand,
it is useful to keep all procedure files in the special folder. However, if you need to avoid this
restriction use "../folder/file" instead of "file" to run the procedure from other folder.
The procedures which is placed in the files can be rather universal and can be used in many programs.
Therefore they must obey some restrictions because the ACLI uses the same resources for all programs.
On the other hand, one can place into the file any piece of some program and then execute it.
For example
#e [file=txthtm.acl;] _file
means unconditional execution of the procedure from the file
if ACLI is placed in the folder [vkACL].
Another example:
#e [cod=5; file=txthtm.acl;] file
means that the procedure will be not performed if [&] is different from 5.
The procedure inside the file is useful to perform some initial definitions of parameters and
variables which can be the same for many programs.
Also it is useful to keep well done parts of programs separately in the file to have smaller
text inside the text editor. There if other very powerful usage when the user can first create
or edit the file and then run it dynamically.
Second exception is NAME == text. In this case the procedure is located in the text array t(),
and the parameter [beg] and [len] just define the first element and the length of the procedure.
Such procedure can be created only dynamically because it is absent at the beginning of
the program work. However, sometimes it is very useful to apply it. For example, if the
procedure from the file must be executed in the cycle many times. In this case to save the time
it is convenient to read the procedure from the file before the cycle and to place it in t().
Then it will work much faster. The same for interactive program. The elements of the procedure
can be asked by #input, then all procedure can be formed by #print and then executed.
It is useful at this point to discuss the parameter [err] = s(26). Normally s(26)=0; and you can
work without changing it. In this case errors in the program text will lead to the error message
and to a stop of the program. However, if s(26) > 0, for example, s(26)=1; the continuation will
be different. The error message will not appear, the variable [&] will have the value 10101 and
the program will make the unconditional transition to a location (number of character of the program
text) which is defined by the variable [%]. This variable may be defined previously by the
command #%. Of course this is necessary only in the interactive program.
[ back to top ]
IOprocedure (io)
#io [num=; first=; op=; file=; format=;]
This command performs all input/output operations. In general case it has a structure shown
above, so it has no arguments but has 1 integer (num) and 4 text parameters.
The value of the text parameters must be put at the right side of definition by direct text
without apostrophes.
For example, file=myresult.dat; defines the file "myresult.dat"
from/to the data will be read/written. The parameter "file" must be determined by string
of 22 symbols or smaller length..
This parameter like all text parameters can be defined by both the simple text followed
by [;] and the formatted text (FT see below) without [;], if the first symbol is [\].
The long definition can be introduced through FT.
The parameter "first" may have up to 8 symbols. It defines the kind and first element of
the arrays i(), r() or t(). For example, first=r(25); means that the data will be
read/written from/to 25-th element of the real array r(). Only i() and r() arrays may be
used in #io operations with data using format.
The values of other arrays may be passed to these arrays for input/output. The parameter
"num" shows the number of elements for read/write operation. The parameter "op" just
specifies the kind of exchange. It may be equal to one of the 8 kinds:
rf wf rb wb rd wd rt wt
Here first letter means
read (if "r") or write (if "w").
Second letter means
format (if "f") byte (if "b")
data (if "d") and text (if "t").
For the input operation op=rf the format specification is not necessary because all possible formats will be read.
However, format in the form [form=*<N>;] must be presented to specify the number of lines which will be
skipped before reading the values. Here <
The parameter "format" just specifies the format in the case of op=wf; The specification
may contain up to 62 symbols of the text. However, often it is sufficient to use only one
symbol * followed by integer, since [form=*<N>;] means free format. This format keeps
11 positions for one number with 4 positions for the fractional part, the comma as a decimal
delimiter and exponential part without 'E'. The example is [ -1,2345+00].
Note that this format is equivalent to \G specification of the formatted text FT (see below).
The number N points how much values will be printed on one line and the line separator is
ASCII code 10. This format is usefull for the PDA.
For the compatibility with the Windows desktop other format is possible as well, namely,
[form=E<N1>.<N2>.<N3>;]. Here <N1> is a number of values on one
line and the line separator consists of two ASCII codes 13 and 10. Then <N2> is the
total number of positions per one value, and <N3> is the number of positions for
a fractional part.
Note that <N2> must be larger than <N3>+7 because the exponential form with 'E'
is used. The point is a decimal delimiter. There is an example: [form=E3.10.3;] leads to the text
1.000E+00 2.000E+00 3.000E+00
4.000E+00 5.000E+00 6.000E+00
and so on. This format is equivalent to \B specification of the formatted text (see below).
The current version can work only with the formats described above. More complicated output
can be done with the command #print and op=wt (see below).
The operations "rt" and "wt" can work only with the text array t() of characters.
The operation "rt" fills some part of the text array from the file. The information about
this operation is stored in s(). The element s(4) contains the index of the first character
for the last record, s(5) contains the number of characters for the last record. At any time
s(6) contains the maximum index of character written to the text array.
The text array may be filled also by the command #print (see below).
The operations "rd" and "wd" allows one to read and write the "float" numbers. These are
real numbers stored as 4 bytes for one number in the computer format.
The operations "rb" and "wb" will be included later. Now they don't work.
[ back to top ]
Data (d)
#d 6 r(1) 1,2 3,2*5 2 i(1) 1 2
This command allows one to determine quickly the elements of arrays. Of course, one
can make it in #calc command but sometimes it looks as cumbersome procedure. Because
of variables may be used as arguments of many calculating programs, it is useful to
define their values quickly.
Therefore this command makes the same as #calc but in more elegant way.
This command has no parameters but the field of argument may be as long as necessary.
It contains a set of blocks. The blocks can be separated by comment having a structure
; ... = where symbols ; and = play a role of brackets.
The structure of one block is <num> <first> <data> where <num> is
value which shows how many elements will be determined, <first> shows the kind and
first element of the array like the parameter first of #io command, <data> is a
set of values separated by blank symbol (note that comma is a decimal delimiter).
The number of values must be just the same as is pointed out by <num>. However,
if some value is multiplied by integer, this means that this value must be taken many
times just as many as it is pointed by integer.
Note that variable named by letter is also the array where first small letters is
ordered then capital letters and then $%&. For example, #d 4 y 1 2 3 4 1 & 67 is the
same as # y=1; z=2; A=3; B=4; &=67; The maximum number of values in one block,
namely <num>, is limited by 500.
[ back to top ]
Pass (pas)
#pas n r(101) r(501)
This command has evident simple structure. It allows one to pass a set of the array elements
to other array or to the same array in another place.
The argument has only one set with the structure <num> <first from>
<first to> where <num> shows the number of elements for copying, <first> is
the same as the parameter first in #io command. Of course, this work may be done
by #calc within the loop.
But this command works faster. When the number is large it is essential.
[ back to top ]
Repeat (re) ... End (en)
#re n ... #en
This frame made by two commands makes a simple loop. The command #re has one argument
<num> which shows a number of repeat. Then the body of the program between this
command and the nearest command #en will be scanned just <num> times. After that
the pointer goes further. All count operations like # i=i+1; must be made inside the
body of the loop. Inside the loop body there may be other loops up to 25 levels.
[ back to top ]
Case (cas) ... End (en)
#case cod ... #en |
This frame made by two commands makes a more complicated loop. First the command #cas reads
the argument cod. Note it is not a parameter and value must always exists. If cod = & , where
& is the variable having a current value, the body of loop is fulfilled. If not the body
of loop is not fulfilled at all.
In this case the command is equivalent to the execution of procedure. However, the #end
command checks the condition cod = & once again where value of cod is always the same but
the value of & can be changed. If it is not changed, the loop will repeat infinitely and
user will need to stop the program by external tools.
In this loop the command #end may have argument as well. If one use #end | (symbol | after
the end) then the #end command changes & to the value 12345 before checking the condition.
So if cod is not equal to 12345 the loop will be made only once. Another way is a
construction #end (4) where a new value of & is placed in the round brackets.
This command is useful to make a selection. For example, a code
# &=2; #case 1 ... #end | #case 2 ... #end | #case 3 ... #end |
allows one to select a second way of calculation among three possible.
This command can be equivalent to a simple loop if one use [<] or [>] operations.
For example, a code
# &=5; a=1; #case 5 ... # a=a+1; &=a>5; #end
will make a body of the loop just 5 times.
Note that a usage of [<] and [>] operations allows one to realize logic of any level.
As in the case of simple loop one can use #case inside the #case up to 25 levels.
[ back to top ]
Stop (sto)
This command stops the execution of the ACL-program. It is not necessary in a pure sense
because the program stops automatically when the pointer reaches for the end of the program
text. In addition any part of program can be placed inside the procedure frames and will
be not executed. However, this command has some advantages because it works like the error
but without error warning message.
Namely it return ACLI to the editor with the text of program but now the cursor position
shows just on the command #sto which was performed. User can use many such commands and
cursor will point on one of them. Note that any error leads to stop the program, showing
the error message and placing the cursor at the position of the stop. So the command #sto may
be treated as a correct error.
[ back to top ]
Exit (exi)
This command has no arguments and parameters. It allows to close the ACLI from the ACL-program. Note
that #stop can only stops the ACL-program but not the ACLI. This command just makes the latter. It is necessary
if the ACLI works with completely ready ACL-program and the environment is not necessary. In principle the
ACLI can work for users who don't know about the ACL and uses only ready ACL-program which must be able to
exit from ACLI.
[ back to top ]
Read (rea)
#rea [fir= ; num= ; beg= ; len= ;]
This command is somewhat reversal to #print. It allows one to obtain numbers from their text
representation. It works like #io [op=rf; ] but takes the text from the text array t() instead
of the file.
The parameter [first] defines as usual the kind and the index of numerical array, [num] determines
how much numbers must be read, [beg=j;] defines the first element of the text array t(j), and [len]
determines the length of the text array to be examine for the numbers. This length is usually known
from the procedure of writing the numbers.
For example, #print tells about this in the elements s(4) and s(5). Therefore the part of program
#print \G a b c;\E
#read [fir=i(1); num=3; beg=s(4); len=s(5);]
is equivalent to
# i(1)=a; i(2)=b; i(3)=c;
However, this command can be used with the command #input (see below) and allows one to obtain
the numerical values from the input window dynamically.
[ back to top ]
File (f)
#f [op=; num=; beg=; len=; mod=; file=; ...] FT FT ...
This command allows user to perform various operations with the files which are usually a job of
operating system. There are also special operations needed for some programs. Currently 11 operations
are elaborated with
op == choose | copy | delete | divide | edit | fcat | find | folder | list | line | replace | size
The name of operation can be shortened to 4 symbols. It is useful to consider each operation separately.
#f [op=choo;]
This command runs a special program which is called FileChooser. The FileChooser allows examination
of the total file structure of the current computer similar to "File Manager" of Solaris OS or
"My Computer" of Windows OS. It begins with the main folder of ACLI. All files are shown. The button [Select]
allows one to select the file. The total name of the selected file counted from the main folder of ACLI will
be placed in the text array t() from the first element defined by s(3).
After the operation s(4) and s(5) shows the beginning
and the length of the record. Note that user is able to select the file which is located in the folders
out of the main folder of ACLI. If the user makes it, the ACLI will return empty name of file and s(5)=0.
So the programmer must be careful to check an existence of the selected file by the operation [op=size;]
in addition to check a value of s(5) before to make something with the selected file. If [mod=1;], a special
form is used where only graphics files will be shown with preview. After choosing the file its total name
will be placed to t() at the same location as above. The obtained name of the file selected by user can be used
for further work of ACL-program.
#f [op=copy; num=; file=newtotal;] file1.txt\E file2.txt\E ...
This command makes copying several files to one. The new file will be created with the name defined
by the parameter [file]. The list of files which are copied to one is a set of FTs. The list may be
arbitrarily long but will be used only n=[num] names.
#f [op=dele; file=any;]
This command allows user to delete the file.
#f [op=divi; file=any; form=any; beg=; len=; num=; xsh=;]
This command allows user to divide the file on the parts and to save one part in the
new file. The name of initial file is defined by the parameter [file], the name of new
(formed) file is defined by the parameter [form].
The initial file is treated as a matrix of bytes from which some submatrix of bytes is selected.
To make this job the four parameters are needed. The parameters [beg] determines the number
of bytes which will be skipped at the beginning. After that the part of [len] bytes will be
kept into new file and then [xsh] bytes will be skipped. Such len-xsh procedure will be repeated up
to [num] parts of [len] bytes will be kept in the new file. The new file will have the size
of [len]*[num] bytes. This operation is useful to select small part of large image to the new image.
#f [op=edit; mod=; file=any;]
This command is a simple editor of the file contents. The name of the file to edit is defined by the
parameter [file]. If the file is absent it can be created. In this case the editor begins with the
empty contents. The new contents of the editor will be saved to the file if [mod=1;] or not saved
if [mod=0;]. The latter is used for the files which contents must be only shown to prevent its changing.
The file is saved automatically at the exit. The menu has several items: [Page Up] [Page Dn] ... [Exit].
The action of [Find] is standard. [Page Up] and [Page Dn] move the cursor position on N lines up and down.
This is useful for PDA. The number of lines N is equal to 10 initially, but it can be changed by menu
item [Help/Settings] for one run of ACL shell.
#f [op=fcat; file=any;]
This command allows programmer to obtain the list of folders and file names inside the pointed folder,
which name is defined by the parameter [file]. The list will be placed in the text array t() from
first element defined by s(3). After the operation s(4) shows the first element of record and s(5)
shows the number of elements (symbols).
#f [op=find; beg=; len=; file=any;]
This command makes a search of some set of bytes inside the file which name is defined by the parameter
[file]. The set of bytes must be defined by their indices in the array i() from the start element i(ns)
where ns=[beg] and just n=[len] bytes. The result of search is placed in the parameter s(2) as a number
of byte set repetition. Note that byte values range from -128 to 127 differently from ASCII codes
For example, the code
#d 2 i(11) 13 10
#f [op=find; beg=11; len=2; file=any;]
will give the number of lines inside the DOS file "any.txt" as a value of s(2).
If s(2)=0 this file is not a DOS text file.
#f [op=fold; file=any;]
This command changes the working subfolder. This is global command. It makes the same job
as the Menu item "Program//Set folder" of the ACL shell. When the folder does not exists it will be created.
The name of folder is determined by the parameter file. This name will be kept even if the
ACL-program ends and will be used for the next execution. Therefore user must be careful
to return the initial folder at the end of current job or to take the new folder into account.
It is useful to set the working folder at the beginning of the ACL-program independently
of the previous settings or do not use it at all. The subfolder is counted from the main folder of ACLI.
If you need to consider subsubfolder, use complex name "subfolder/subsubfolder".
There are special cases. If [file=oldf;] the program returns back to preceding folder which used before last
change instead of going to folder called "oldf". To avoid problems don't use the folder with this name.
If [file=null;] this means that the ACLI will work with its main folder.
#f [op=list; file=any; cod=; beg=;]
This command makes a special work. It reads the file specified by the parameter [file] and
creates a special line of text. It takes to this text all symbols from the beginning to the symbol
which ASCII code is defined by [cod] including the last symbol. Then it skips all symbols
after ASCII code [cod] up to the symbol which ASCII code is equal to [beg] including this symbol
(i.e. skips it). Then it takes all symbols up to ASCII code [cod] and so on. This looks like the command
takes one part of two parts of some set of records. If the record has name and body the
command can make a list of names.
The result is the number of names which will be given by
the value of parameter s(2) and the line of names which will be written in the text array t()
from the first element which is defined by s(3). After the operation first element and number of
elements will be determined by s(4) and s(5) similarly to other commands which fill the
text array. Note this work can be made by means of other commands but this command
works much faster especially for large files.
#f[op=line; file=any; num=; beg=; len=;]
If [num=-n;] is negative, this command takes n-th line of the text file and writes its contents
to the text array t() from s(3). After operation s(4) and s(5) show the beginning and size of written
text. If [num=n;] is positive, this command writes the part of text array t() from first element defined
by [beg] and number of symbols as defined by [len] to the file at n-th line. If the file has more
than n lines, the n-th line will be changed. If the file has less than n lines, it will have n lines.
The lines between last existed and n-th line will be empty.
#f [op=repl; beg=; len=; mod=; file=any;]
This command makes more complicated operation compared to "find". It finds all copies of one set of bytes and
replaces them by other set of bytes. Once again all n=[len] bytes must be determined in the array i()
from the start element i(ns) where ns=[beg]. Among them m=[mod] first bytes define the set to be replaced and n-m rest
bytes define the set which to be write instead. The new content will be saved in the file with
the same name. So to save the initial file it must be previously copied to other name.
For example, the code
#d 2 i(11) 44 46
#f [op=repl; beg=11; len=2; mod=1; file=some.dat;]
will replace all commas by dots.
#f [op=size; file=any;]
This command allows user to determine a size of the file which name is defined by the
parameter "file" in the working folder. The size is placed in the parameter s(1). If s(1)=0
the file is absent.
[ back to top ]
Text (te)
#te [op=; num=; beg=; len=; cod=; mod=;]
The simple commands of ACL allows one to perform any operation on the text array t().
However, there are some standard operations which can be made faster and easy to
programming. This command just make such standard operations on the text array t().
Currently there are only three operations [op=xx;] where
xx == find replace trim
The name of operation can be shortened to 4 symbols. As above it is useful to consider
each operation separately.
#te [op=find; beg=; len=; num=; cod=;]
This command examines the part of the text array from [beg] and with size [len]. It determines
all locations of the symbol which ASCII code is equal to [cod]. The result is written into
the integer array i() from the first index [num]. The number of locations can be found
in the parameter s(1).
#te [op=repl; beg=; len=; cod=; mod=;]
This command examines the part of the text array from [beg] and with size [len]. It replaces
all symbols with ASCII code [cod] by ASCII cod [mode].
#te [op=trim; beg=; len=; num=;]
This command examines the part of the text array from [beg] and with size [len]. It selects the
part of the text excluding the blank symbols in front and behind the text without blank symbols.
If there are several such texts only first will be return. The result is written into the integer
array i() from the first index [num]. Let [num]=k. Then i(k) shows the first element of the text,
i(k) >= [beg], and i(k+1) shows the length of the text, i(k+1) <= [len].
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Mathematics (ma)
#math [op=; beg=; nx=; ny=; others]
This command allows user to make some standard mathematical calculations directly, i.e. without coding
this work by means of ACL. In this way, on one hand, the ACL code becomes shorter, and, on the other hand, the
program runs faster, especially if a large number of values is involved in calculation.
Different operations will be distinguished by the parameter [op=..;]. Currently, 9 operations
are implemented with different values of [op]. The order of presentation is historical
[op=mtr;] matrix transpose
[op=fno;] matrix rows normalization
[op=mss;] sum of rows and columns
[op=vmc;] vector scaling
[op=fft;] Fast Fourier Transform
[op=mmi;] matrix interpolation
[op=mcg;] convolution by Gaussian
[op=fis;] interpolation by spline
[op=mii;] matrix indices inversion
Below all operation are described step by step.
#ma [op=mtr; beg=; nx=; ny=;]
means the transpose of matrix. The matrix is placed in the real array r() from the
first index which is defined by [beg]. The number of rows is defined by [ny] and the number of
columns - by [nx]. As a result of the operation the same part of the array r() will present the
transposed matrix which columns become rows and rows become columns. This operation is
convenient when one read the numbers from the file in free format (from columns) and then
use the array in #win command.
#ma [op=fno; beg=; nx=; ny=; mod=;]
means the special normalization of matrix. The matrix is defined by [beg] [nx] [ny]
as above with the ordering 11 21 31 ... 12 ... However, in this case each column of size [nx] is treated
as a vector vec(j). The minimum vec_min and the maximum vec_max values of this vector are determined
and ny values vec_min and ny values vec_max are placed after the matrix starting from the index [beg]+[nx]*[ny].
Then if [mod] = 0 each vector is normalized according to the formula [vec(j) - vec_min]/[vec_max - vec_min].
The normalized values may be useful for the graphics. If [mod] is nonzero the matrix stays the same and
the operation is used only for min and max calculation.
#ma [op=mss; beg=; nx=; ny=;]
means the summation of rows and columns of the matrix which has a form m[nx,ny]. The result is
the calculated vector vec[nx] as a sum over all k for m[nx,k] which is placed just after the matrix, then
the calculated vector vec[ny] as a sum over all k for m[k,ny] which is placed just after the preceding vector.
The next element of the real array is equal to a total sum of all elements. This looks like the integral of
the function f(x,y) is performed over y giving A(x), then over x giving B(y) and then over x and y simultaneously.
The important particular case if [ny] = 1 is slightly different. In this case only the sum over all elements
of the matrix-vector is calculated and is placed just after the matrix-vector. It is equivalent to integration
of the function f(x).
#ma [op=vmc; beg=; len=;] after # C=..;
means the multiplication of vector by constant. The result is placed at the same
location. The vector is located in the real array r() from [beg] and has length defined by [len]. The constant value must
be defined in the variable [C].
#ma [op=fft; beg=; nx=;]
means the Fast Fourier Transformation
fq[n] = sum{m = 0,...,N-1} exp( sign(k)*2*pi*i*n*m/N )*fx[m]
where N = 2^abs(k) with k to be integer, n = 0,...,N-1
The complex array fx[m] is located in r() from the first element defined by [beg] ordered as (real image real image and so on).
The parameter k is defined by [nx]. Note that k can be negative but its absolute value cannot be larger than 16. The result
fq[n] is located at the same position of r().
#ma [op=mmi; num=; beg=; nx=; ny=; wig=; hei=; sav=; file=; form=;]
means the matrix to matrix interpolation. This is rather complicated operation because the matrix
size may be very large. In this case the initial matrix has dimentions defined by [nx] and [ny] whereas the new
interpolated matrix has dimensions defined by [wid] and [hei]. It is assumed that initial matrix describes the
rectangular region with corners xi1, yi1, xi2, yi2 whereas the interpolated matrix describes the rectangular region
with corners xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2. These values must be defined in the real array r() starting from the index defined by
parameter [num] in the following order xi1,xi2,yi1,yi2,xo1,xo2,yo1,yo2. Normally the initial matrix is read from the
file defined by parameter [file] ordered as 11 21 . . . This is normal order for writing the images. However, in the
case [file=here;] the matrix is assumed to be located in the array r() starting from the index defined by [beg].
Normally the resulting matrix is written to the file defined by parameter [form] ordered as 11 21 . . . However, in the
case [form=here;] the matrix is assumed to be located in the array r() starting from the index defined by [sav].
It is assumed that the region is described with step like this dx=(x2-x1)/(nx-1). The linear interpolation is performed.
#ma [op=mcg; num=; beg=; nx=; ny=; sav=; file=; form=;]
means the operation of matrix convolution (or deconvolution) by Gaussian. It is assumed that the matrix is
calculated by Fast Fourier Transformation and it has dimensions [nx] and [ny] as integer power of 2, i.e. 64, 128, 256, 512,
1024. However [ny] can be equal to 1 (see below). The convolution (or deconvolution) is performed by double FFT as well
and the result is the matrix of the same dimensions. The parameters of Gaussian (sigmaX) and (sigmaY) are measured in
units which are equal to sizes of one pixel of the image. The Gaussian is defined by its Fourier image as
G(q) = exp( -(sigma*q)^2/2 ).
The convolution is performed if the parameter (epsilon) = 0. In this case Fourier image of matrix is multiplied by G(q).
On the contrary, if (epsilon) > 0, the deconvolution is performed with reasonable regularization rule, namely, the
Fourier image of matrix is multiplied by
1 / sqrt( G(q)^2 + epsilon^2 )
The values (sigmaX), (sigmaY), (epsilon) must be determined in the elements of real array r(i), r(i+1) and r(i+2) where (i)
is defined by [num]. Note that if (sigmaX) = 0 or (sigmaY) = 0 nothing is happened with corresponding coordinate.
The initial matrix is read from the file whose name is defined by [file].
If [file=here;] the matrix is read from the real array starting from the index defined
by [beg]. The resulting matrix will be written in the file whose name is defined by [form]. If [form=here;] the matrix will
be written in the real array r() starting from the index defined by [sav].
The value [ny=1;] is also possible and means one dimensional case where the matrix coincides with the vector of size [nx].
#ma [op=fis; beg=; nx=; ny=; siz=;]
means the operation of matrix rows interpolation by cubic spline. Each row of initial matrix
presents the values of one function defined on a set of argument with variable step. The matrix has dimensions [nx]
and [ny] and is located in the real array r() starting with the index defined by [beg]. The arguments must precede the matrix
and the set of points started from the index [beg] - [nx]. The result of interpolation is a new matrix which has dimensions
[siz] and [ny]. It defines the same set of functions but on new set of points with constant step from first old point to
last old point. The new matrix is located just after the initial matrix so the first element begins from [beg] + [nx]*[ny].
In other words this operation changes the presentation of the set of functions from variable step to constant step using
the cubic spline interpolation.
#ma [op=mii; beg=; nx=; my=; mod=;]
means the operation of matrix indices inversion. As a result of operation the last element of row becomes first
and the last row becomes first. The matrix is described by the parameters [nx], [ny] and [beg] as usual. In addition the
parameter [mod] defines the modification. If [mod=0;] both indices are inverted, if [mod=1;] only first index is inverted, i.e.
columns, if [mod=2;] only second index is inverted, i.e. rows. The resulting matrix is located at the same place.
[ back to top ]
Message (m)
#m [op=;] FT
This command has the same argument as the #print command, but it is different by meaning.
During the execution of the program the ACLI opens a new text in a text-window which begins
with the message of one line
Work is doing
If the program is rather complicative and works for a rather long time, the program can add some
new messages. However, the programmer can add some new records
to this text as well which can show a current state of computing. This can be done just by the
#m [op=txt;] FT
This command puts message on the text window during the execution. When
the execution is done such messages disappear and cannot be saved. To save it one needs to
copy the messages by #print command. Such command is useful for optimization of the program.
For example, one can show the current time after some part of execution process.
In addition, this command can be used in other modifications for creating interface messages.
The command
#m [op=win;] FT
creates a message in a separate window with the button [OK] and
stops the program execution. The user must click the button to proceed further.
The more extensive form is the command
#m [op=oce;] FT
This form opens a separate window
which has three buttons [OK] [Cancel] and [Edit]. It returns the number of pressed button in
the variable & and may be 1, 2 or 3. Then this information can be used in further work.
Finally there is alternative form
#m [op=yno;] FT
which opens a separate window with two buttons [Yes] [No]. The number of pressed button is
in & and may be 1 ord 2.
[ back to top ]
Input (inp)
#inp [num=; len=; mod=; ysh=;] FT FT ...
This command creates a new panel which contains several input fields each for line of text.
The number of lines is defined by parameter [num]. The panel has a title which
must be defined by the first argument FT. Each input field has a label, first label is defined by the
second argument FT. Finally, the third argument FT contains the initial text which will be shown in the
first input fields.
If [num > 1] there are two modifications of setting the labels and initial texts. In the case of [mod] = 0,2
the 2-d FT defines 1-st label, 3-d FT defines 1-st text, 4-th FT defines 2-d label, 5-th FT defines 2-d text
and so on. So in this case each FT defines one label or text. This is correspondent to the old version of ACLI
which allows one to use the ACL-programs made with old version.
On the contrary, in the case of [mod] = 1,3 the 2-d FT defines all labels which must be separated by the
symbol [ | ], and 3-d FT defines all texts which must be separated by the same symbol.
There are also two modifications of appearance of the labels and texts. In the case of [mod] = 0,1 each label
and each text will be placed in new line. So label will be above the corresponding input field. On the contrary,
in the case of [mod] = 2,3 each pair of label and input text will be placed on the same line. In this case the
label can not be long because the first button [OK] (see below) will have the same length as the label.
The bottom line of the panel contains two buttons [OK] and [Cancel]. The parameter [len] specifies the length of
empty space from sides of the [OK] [Cancel] buttons. This allows user to define the length of input field because
the labels and input fields are ordered vertically (if [mod=0,1]) and the width of panel depents on the maximum
length of determined lines. Normally [len] = 50 but can be smaller or larger. The value of [len] can be optimized
empirically. Note that panel is always located in such a way that it is centered relative the screen. However,
for PDA it is inconvenient because the keyboard takes some place on the bottom of screen. Therefore the input fields
must be placed on the top of screen. This can be done by putting large empty space on the bottom of the panel. The
vertical size of such empty space is defined by the parameter [ysh]. Its value may be from 0 to infinity. However,
unproper value will lead to bad window.
The contents of all input fields can be retyped by user and new texts will be placed into the text array t()
like #print command. The contents of different lines will be separated by the ASCII code 10 (line separator).
Remind of that the index of the first element for writing to t() can be changed by s(3). After the operation
s(4) shows the index of the first element of t() with new text (note that s(3) will be changed) and s(5) shows
the length of total record including the line separator after each line. Therefore be careful to obtain
a pure text of input window. In the case of [num=1;] it has length s(5)-1.
The panel contains two buttons [OK] and [Cancel]. If the user selects the [Cancel] button the text array
t() will not be filled and the variable [&] will be equal to 2.
The text array will be filled only if [OK] button is pressed. In this case [&] will be equal to 1. So the
ACL programmer has a possibility to know what button was pressed.
[ back to top ]
Select (sel)
#sel [nx=; ny=; mod=;] FT FT
This command creates a new panel with buttons. The number of buttons in one row is defined by parameter [nx]
and the number of rows is defined by parameter [ny]. The command allows user to make a selection of one variant
from many variants. The panel has a title which must be defined by the first argument FT.
If [mod=0;] the names of all buttons must be defined by the second argument FT. The names inside the FT are
separated by the symbol [ | ]. The order of the buttons is
[1,1] [1,2] [1,3] ... [2,1] ...
When user selects one buttons on the panel, the latter disappears and the variable [&] just becomes equal to
the index of selected button. Then this can be used in the following code of the ACL-program.
If [mod=1;] the buttons are images from the files ***.jpg which is stored in the current folder.
In this case the names of the buttons are equal to the names of the files but without an extension.
For example, the name "1001i" means the file "1001i.jpg" counted from the current folder. As above the variable [&]
shows the selected image.
The panel has closing button at the top-right corner which can be used in the case of absence of selection.
In this case [&] = -1 and this may be used to stop looping.
[ back to top ]
Zip (z)
#z [op=; file=; num=; mod=;] FT FT ...
This command realizes zip archive operations which allows programmer to create zip-files
and to get the contents of zip files dynamically. The main usage of this command is
to keep and use many help files of the ACL-programs inside one archive file. Even the
interpreter vkACL contains many help files inside itself that allows to perform the distribution
as a one file. There are five operations for this command
op == catalog | sfolders | gfolders | sfiles | gfiles
The name of operation can be shortened to 3 symbols. As usual it is useful to consider
each operation separately. However, for all operations the parameter [file] defines the
name of zip-file. This name can be arbitrary, i. e. with or without the extention "zip".
#z [op=cat; file=;]
This command allows programmer to obtain a list of files inside the considering zip-file.
The total list of files is placed in the text array t() from the element which index if defined
by s(3). After the operation s(4) and s(5) show the beginning and the length of the
written record. The names inside the string are separated by the symbol " | ". You must
keep in mind that the files inside the folders have name like "folder/file" and there may be
the name like "folder/" which points on the folder alone.
#z [op=sfo; file=; num=;] FT FT ...
This command allows programmer to create a new zip-file which name is defined by
[file] and which contents will have all the files inside the pointed folders. The number of folders
is defined by [num] and the names of folders are the arguments of the structure FT.
All names are counted from the main folder of the interpreter and can have structure like
"folder/subfolder". Note that the poined folders must contain only the files without subfolders.
This restriction is a sequence of interpreter creation.
#z [op=gfo; file=; num=; mod=;] FT FT ...
This command, on the contrary, allows programmer to extract all the files inside the
pointed folders. The structure of the parameters and arguments is the same as above.
However there is additional parameter [mod]. If [mod=0;] , the extracted files will be added
to the existing folders or new folders will be created. The existing files with the same
names will be replaced. The new files will be kept after the interpreter closing.
If [mod=1;] , the extracted files will be removed after the interpreter closing. In this case
the extracting files live only when the program lives. Finally, if [mod=2;] the extraction
will be performed only for such folders which don't exist and then will exist after the
interpreter closing. Therefore the program can made only one extraction of such kind.
It is useful for extraction some initial files which later can make to change their contents.
#z [op=sfi; file=; num=;] FT FT ...
This command allows the programmer to create a new zip-file which name is defined by
[file] and which contents will have all the files pointed as arguments. If the name of some
files has a structure "folder/file" then the new folders will be created inside the zip-file.
This command is more general than the [op=sfo;] but the programmer needs to form
a long list of names containing all files. As before [num] is number of files.
#z [op=gfi; file=; num=; mod=;] FT FT ...
This command, allows programmer to extract all the files pointed as arguments. The
files inside the folders have to have the names like "folder/file". The parameters [mod] and [num]
have the same meaning as for [op=gfo;].
[ back to top ]
Color (co)
#col [beg= ; len= ; fir= ;]
This command allows one to define the colors which will be used later in some graphical operations (see below).
The ACLI can work with 256 colors which are kept in color array and have indices from 1 to 256.
Each color is defined by 3 integers (red, green, blue) which can variate from 0 to 255 (one byte for each subcolor).
Initially all colors are black (0,0,0).
The command defines the part of colors from the index which is determined by the parameter "beg" and number of
colors to define is determined by the parameters "len".
The total number 3*len integer values must be placed previously in the integer i() or real r() arrays from the
first element which is determined by the parameter "fir".
This is example.
#d 3 i(1) 255 0 0
#col [beg=2; len=1; fir=i(1);]
These two commands define 2-d color as red. First color is black initially.
[ back to top ]
Window (w)
#w [op=; file=; form=; many others ]
This is rather complicated command which allows one to make graphics inside new window.
Graphics has many modifications but for all kinds of graphics the figure image is placed inside the control,
therefore user must click on the image to close it and let the program to continue its work.
Note the position of the window is not defined because the window is located in the central part of the screen.
The kind of graphics is determined by the parameter "op". The data for graphics is taken usually from the file
which name is determined by the parameter "file". The image saving depends on the parameter [sav].
The image can be only shown if [sav=0;], shown and saves if [sav=-1;] and only saved if [sav=-2;].
The image will be saved to the file "ooo.png" where "ooo" must be defined by the parameter [form].
Note [form] defines only first name of the file without extension. The file will be saved inside the current
working folder. The command can have arguments and it depends on the values of many other parameters.
The names of parameters are conditional and only approximately are
connected with some words near to their sense. It is useful to consider each kind of graphics separately.
op=im (image)
#w [op=im; file=; form=; num=; mod=; beg=; len=; twi=; the=; wid=; hei=; xsh=; ysh=; sty=; bot=; top=; nx=; ny=; sav=;]
This kind of graphics can show images of different types. The kind of source data depends on the parameter [mod].
If [mod=0;] then image is taken from any graphics file with the extensions *.bmp *.gif *.jpg *.png .
The contents of the file will be shown completely and the size of the windows is determined by the file. This size
will be returned in s(13) and s(14) as width and height in pixels. No other parameters are necessary in this case.
If the size of screen is smaller than the size of image, only the central part will be shown.
Other possible values of [mod] are 8, 16 and 32 and 100.
If [mod=8;] the data inside the file are integer numbers of 8 bits size (one byte).
If [mod=16;] the data are integer numbers of 16 bits size (two bytes).
If [mod=32;] the data are floating point numbers of 32 bits size (four bytes).
If [mod=100;] the data are calculated (see below).
In these cases the image is determined by the same set of parameters for all data kinds.
Parameter [len=;] shows the size of header in bytes for the file. The header is some text which can
precede the data inside the file.
Parameters [twi=; the=;] show the total sizes of the image in pixels horizontally and vertically.
Parameters [wid=; hei=;] show the sizes of subimage to show. They may be equal to or smaller than [twi], [the].
Parameters [xsh=; ysh=;] show offsets for x and y directions of image. The [ysh] is counted from the
bottom of the image.
Parameter [sty=; bot=1; top=99999;] shows the style of presentation of the data. Below the styles are explained.
The numerical data have maximum value (Fmax) and minimum value (Fmin). These values are determined automatically.
The value of each point of data is shown by grey pixel within the region from 0 to 255 (8 bits). This region is
scaled from the region of data which is from
Fmi = Fmin + Dff*[bot]/100000 to
Fma = Fmin + Dff*[top]/100000 where
Dff = Fmax - Fmin.
Scaling is linear if [sty=1;] and is obtained by the law
gray = 255*(f - Fmi)/(Fma - Fmi).
It is logarithmic if [sty=2;] and is obtained by the law
gray = 255*log(f/Fmi)/log(Fma/Fmi).
If [sty=3;] it is modified by square root, namely,
gray = 255*sqr((f - Fmi)/(Fma - Fmi))
(negative values are replaced by zero).
Normally minimum is black, maximum if white. However, if parameter [sty] is negative the contrast is opposite.
So you see the integer parameters [bot] and [top] show the subregion inside the interval (0,1) in units 0.00001.
Therefore they must have values between 1 and 99999.
Finally, each pixel of data can be shown by a rectangular of [nxf] and [nyf] pixels of the screen
horizontally and vertically.
Note that all these parameters are elements of the subsidiary array s() in the following order
len (10) mod (11) twi (12) the (13) wid (14) hei (15) xsh (16) ysh (17) sty (18) bot (19) top (20)
nxf (21) nyf (22) sav (23)
Therefore it is useful to determine all data by the command
#d 14 s(10) 1 2 3 . . .
For example, to show the part of data from the big *.edf file, which is standard in ESRF, one can use the code
like this
#d 14 s(10) 3072 16 2048 2048 128 128 1408 968 -2 1 999 4 4 0
#w [file=al-3012.edf;]
In the cases with [mod] = 16 or 32 the minimum and maximum values of function are stored autonatically in r(j) and
r(j+1) where j = [beg]. In the case of [mod=32;] and if [file=here;] the data can be found in the real array r()
from the first element determined by [len]. Note this parameter determines the header of the file. If the file is
not used the same parameter defines the start element of r().
There is special case which is used for automatical preparing the scale of grey levels. If [mod=100;] the data are
calculated instead of to be taken from the file or real array r(), therefore to avoid error message one needs to
write [file=here;]. The data is an array of n elements where n = [wid]*[hei]. This array decribes one linear curve
from Fmin to Fmax where Fmin = r(j) and Fmax = r(j+1) with j=[beg=]. Therefore this array allows one to obtain image
of scale of gray levels. The image can be vertical if [wid=1;] or horisontal if [hei=1;]. To avoid error message one
of the sizes must be equal to 1. The transverse size of the scale must be done by pixel size.
Some of other operations allows to draw the axes and titles. The way of drawing the axes and titles is general.
The total sizes of such image in the screen pixels are defined by [twi] and [the]. The x and y sizes of
the box of axes are equal to [wid] and [hei].
The left-bottom angle of this box will have coordinates [xsh] and [ysh] relative the image field.
The axes have short and long ticks. The sizes of these ticks are determined by [bot] and [top] correspondingly.
Ticks can see inside or outside the box. In addition each axis can be omitted, can have numbers or can be without
numbers. These features are determined by one parameter [sty]. Generally it is number of five digits having a
structure "lbrtm". First four digits determine the axes appearance, "l" for the left axis, "b" for the bottom axis
"r" fot the right axis and "t" for the top axis. If these digits are equal to 0, these means a standard appearance
where left and bottom axes have numbers but right and top axes have no. If they are equal to 2, these means a
nonstandard appearance where right and top axes have numbers but left and bottom have no. If they are equal to 1, the
corresponding axis will be absent on the figure. The last digit "m" determines the ticks orientation. If "m" = 0 they
see inside. If "m"=1 they see outside.
There are examples [sty=1;] is standard form, [sty=11211;] leads to right axis only with numbers. Note that if
"m"=0 and [top=max/2;] where max = maximum(wid,hei), the figure will have a grid.
Finally the text of numbers at the axes will have size determined by [tsi] in the screen pixels. In addition [tfo]
and [tki] allows one to define font and kind of text (see command #graphics for more details).
Note that the values at the ticks must be specified as well. However if the parameter [unit=0;] these values are
determined automatically from the minimum and maximum values for x and y axes. Very often it is sufficient.
However, sometimes the automatical kind of graphics is unacceptable. In this case the parameter [unit]
must specify the index of the first element of the real array r() where the additional information about the
axes are stored. Let [unit=i;] where i > 0. Then the user must define
r(i) = fnor ( the unit for the functions, the figure will show f(x)/fnor )
r(i+1) = xmin (minimum value on the x axis)
r(i+2) = xmax (maximum value on the x axis)
r(i+3) = xmf (position of the first long tick on the x axis)
r(i+4) = xms (distance between long ticks on the x axis)
r(i+5) = xni (number of short ticks incide the region between two long ticks on the x axis)
r(i+6) = ymin (minimum value on the y axis)
r(i+7) = ymax (maximum value on the y axis)
r(i+8) = ymf (position of the first long tick on the y axis)
r(i+9) = yms (distance between long ticks on the y axis)
r(i+10) = yni (number of short ticks incide the region between two long ticks on the y axis)
This way allows one to prepare the figure of arbitrary design.
As for the titles, the number of titles is defined by [num] but the titles themselves are the arguments.
The structure of these arguments is: x y rts FT for each title.
Here x and y determine the position of the left-top corner of the title, FT is the
formatted text of the corresponding title (see about the formatted text in the command #print). rts
determines the increasing or decreasing the font size for this title relative to [tsi].
Standard values are [tsi=14;] rts=2. Below we will consider various operations.
op=pf (plain figure)
#w [op=pf; file=; form=; beg=; len=; mod=; twi=; the=; wid=; hei=; xsh=; ysh=; sty=; bot=;
top=; nx=; ny=; sav=; tsi=; uni=; tfo=; tki=; msi=; mki=;]
This kind of graphics presents the scientific figure where some curves are shown.
Each of them is a dependence of one characteristic on another characteristic. The curves are shown inside
the box of axes which have scales and titles. The numerical data are taken from the file of name which is
determined by the parameter [file].
The data must be written in the file as floating point numbers in computer code (4 bytes per number). Note that
data of other format can be previously read and then rewritten by means of the command #io [file=]
However, there is an exception. If [file=here;], the numbers will be taken from the real
array r() which first index is determined by the parameter [beg]. The values of the array r() can be previously
determined by different ways.
As before the file can have the header. The size of the header in bytes must be determined by [len].
The number of dots per one curve in the file is determined by [nxf] and it may be treated as a size of one column
of usual text representation.
The number of columns in the file is determined by [nyf]. However, the sense of the column may be various
and the current realization is dependent on the parameter [mod].
If [mod=0;] all columns are functions. The argument for these functions is taken from Xmin to Xmax with a
constant step. The values Xmin and Xmax are the arguments of command which must be placed before other
If [mod=1;] first column is argument for all functions whereas all other columns are functions.
The number of functions is [nyf]-1.
If [mod=2;] then odd columns are arguments and even columns are functions. So each function has its own
arguments. The number of functions is [nyf]/2.
In the case [uni=0;] the minimum and maximum values for x and y axes are taken directly from the values of
arguments and functions. Othervice they must be specified (see above).
The first curve is drawn by the color line which color is equal to [col] element of the color table.
In the case of several curves each subsequent curve is drawn by the color line which color is equal to subsequent
elements of the color table. The color table can be defined by the command #col.
The kind of presentation depends on the parameter [msi] which defines the size of marker in pixels. If [msi=0;],
all curves will be drawn by lines. If [msi] > 0, the parameter [mki] determines the kind of marker for
first 5 curves. It is 5-digits integer number in which each digit can have value from 0 to 4. All 5 digits are
necessary and left (larger) digit defines first curve, next from the left - second curve and so on. For example,
[mki=1234;] means line for first curve (left digit = 0), empty rectangle for second curve, filled rectangle
for third curve, empty circle for fourth curve and filled circle for fifth curve.
There is the example of the part of possible program
# x=-2; i=102; j=304; k=1; l=203;
#rep 101
# r(i)=100*exp(-x^2); i=i+1;
r(j)=80*exp(-(x-0,5)^2)); j=j+1;
r(k)=x; k=k+1; r(l)=x; l=l+1; x=x+0,04;
#io [num=404; fir=r(1); op=wd; file=test.dat;]
#d 3 i(1) 255 0 0
#col [beg=2; len=1; fir=i(1);]
#d 16 s(10) 0 2 240 320 200 220 30 60 0 3
6 101 4 0 14 0
#w [op=pf; file=test.dat; n=2;tfo=1;tki=0;msi=4;mki=1234;]
100 30 2 Distance (mm)\E
70 305 2 Gaussians (arb. units)\E
This program calculates two gauss functions, save them in the file together with the arguments and then show
them in the figure.
op=mm (mathematical map)
#w [op=mm; file=; form=; beg=; sav=; twi=; the=; wid=; hei=; sty=; bot=; top=; tsi=; uni=; tfo=; tki=;]
This kind of graphics shows the image inside the box of axes with titles. The image from the file must be a real
image, not a data file. The data must be previously converted to the image using [op=im;].
The image is placed completely being located symmetricaly relative the box of axes. See above how to define the axes.
If [unit=0;], the values at the axes are determined automatically from the minimum and maximum values for x and y axes.
The latter are taken from r(j),..,r(j+3) where [beg=j;]. The new image can be placed into the file which name is
op=ff (final figure)
#w [op=ff; form=; sav=; num=; beg=;] FT
This kind produces new image as a set of several images. The new image will have the size [twi]
and [the] horizontally and vertically. The parameter [num] defines the number of images to show.
All images will be taken from the files with names "1.png", "2.png", and so on. The corresponding files must exist
or must be created by preceded commands. The images will be shown as is and will be shifted from the origin of the
base image on the vector (x,y) which coordinates are taken from integer array i() as i(j),i(j+1) for first image,
i(j+2),i(j+3) for next image and so on, where [beg=j;]. To prevent error you must specify [file=here;].
The argument FT specifies the title of the figure.
[ back to top ]
Graphics (g)
#g [op=; many others] FT
This command allows programmer to make image containing arbitrary figure which
is drawn "by hand", i. e. according to the ACL-program. The figure may be composed from many elemental graphical
objects like lines, texts, regions, rectangles and so on. The figure is created by
applying various operations of this command. The currently possible operations are:
open continue close text line area rectangle oval arc image axes rfunc dfunc axon
It is sufficient to keep only first 3 letters for the name of the operation. Below the operations
are first described step by step and then the general transformation are presented.
#g [op=open; twi=; the=; col=;]
This operation opens new figure. The parameters [twi] and [the] define the total width and
height of the figure in the screen pixels. The rectangle of the figure will be filled by
color of index determined by the parameter [col]. Note that colors are taken from the
color array of 256 elements counted from 1 to 256. This array is defined by the command #color.
The positions of all elemental graphical object are counted from the left-bottom corner of
this rectangle.
#g [op=cont; num=;]
This operation allows one to continue creating the figure which was previously stored in
the memory as image of index [num]. It simply opens the image for drawing new objects.
#g [op=close; sav=; form=;] FT
This operation closes the figure and saves it according to value of the parameter [sav]
similarly to the command #window. Namely, if [sav] > 0 the image is stored in the memory
as an image of index [sav]. Maximum index of the stored image is 100.
If [sav] = 0 , the image will be shown as button image inside a separate centered window.
In this case if [cod] = 0, the program can work further. If [cod] = 1 the program wait when
the user closes the window. If [sav] = -1 , the image will be shown and simultaneously will
be written in the file on the current folder which name is defined by the parameter [form].
Note the images are always saved in the files of png-kind therefore [form] determines
only name without extension. If [sav] = -2 the image will be only written in the file.
The argument FT defines the title of the window when the image is shown.
#g [op=text; nx=; ny=; col=; tfo=; tki=; tsi=; sty=;] FT
This operation draws the text on the figure. The position of the text is defined by the coordinates
[nx] and [ny]. The additional condition is determined by the parameter [sty]. If [sty] = 1 the text
will placed by left-bottom corner at the position. If [sty] = 2 the text will be placed by center-bottom
point at the position. Finally if [sty] = 3 the text will be placed by right-bottom corner at the
position. The index of color is defined by [col]. The font of the text is defined by [tfo] which can
be equal to 1 to 5. This is an index of one of the five logical fonts. What means each font
depends on the computer, therefore simply check all fonts and select one. The parameter [tki]
defines the kind of font. It may be equal to 0 [plain] 1 [bold] and 2 [italic]. The parameter [tsi]
defines the size of the text in screen pixels. Reasonable values are 12, 14, 16.
#g [op=line; nx=; ny=; col=; num=; beg=;]
This operation draws the line as a sequence of many straight line segments. The color is defined
by [col]. The coordinates of start position are defined by [nx] and [ny]. The paramener [num] defines
the number of line segments. The parameter [beg] defines the start index of the integer array i() which
contains the coordinates of each segment as x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 and so on. These coordinates are
coordinates of the vector, i. e. the difference between end and start points.
#g [op=area; nx=; ny=; col=; num=; beg=; mod=;]
This operation draws an area. It is similar to the preceding operation but in this case the additional
segment from the end point to the start point is added, so the line describes the area. If [mod] = 0 ,
the area is filled by the color of index [col]. If [mod] = 1 the area is presented by the line along its
border with the color of index [col].
#g [op=rect; nx=; ny=; wid=; hei=; col=; mod=;]
This operation draws a particular case of area, namely, the rectangle of width and height which are
defined by [wid] and [hei]. The central point of the rectangle is placed at the position with coordinates
[nx] and [ny]. If [mod] = 0 , the rectangle is filled by the color of index [col]. If [mod] = 1 the rectangle is
presented by the line along its border with the color of index [col].
#g [op=oval; nx=; ny=; wid=; hei=; col=; mod=;]
This operation is similar to the preceding operation but in this case the ellipse inside the rectangular
area is drawn. All the parameters have the same meaning as above.
#g [op=arc; nx=; ny=; wid=; hei=; col=; mod=; beg=; len=;]
This operation is similar to the preceding but in this case only a part of the ellipse is drawn from the
start angle defined by [beg] across the angular region defined by [len]. The angles are counted in
#g [op=image; nx=; ny=; num=; file=;]
This operation allows one to add a ready image on the figure . The central point of the image will have
the coordinates [nx] and [ny] counted from left-bottom corner of the graphics area. If [num] > 0 , the image
will be taken from the memory as a stored image of the index [num]. If [num] = 0 , the image will be taken
from the file which name is defined by the parameter [file].
#g [op=axes; col=; beg=; wid=; hei=; xsh=; ysh=; bot=; top=; sty=; tfo=; tki=; tsi=; uni=; num=;]
This operation allows one to add the box of axes on the figure. The x and y sizes of the box of
axes are equal to [wid] and [hei]. The color is defined by [col].
The central point of the box of axes will have coordinates [xsh] and [ysh].
The axes have short and long ticks. The sizes of these ticks are determined by [bot] and [top] correspondingly.
Ticks can see inside or outside the box. In addition each axis can be omitted, can have numbers or can be without
numbers. These features are determined by one parameter [sty]. Generally it is five digits number having a
structure " lbrtm ". First four digits determine the axes appearance, " l " for the left axis, " b " for the bottom axis
" r " fot the right axis and " t " for the top axis. If these digits are equal to 0, this means a standard appearance where
left and bottom axes have numbers but right and top axes have no. If they are equal to 2, these means a nonstandard
appearance where right and top axes have numbers but left and bottom have no. If they are equal to 1, the
corresponding axis will be absent on the figure. The last digit " m " determines the ticks orientation. If " m " = 0 they
see inside. If " m " = 1 they see outside.
There are examples [sty=1;] is standard form, [sty=11211;] is only right axis with numbers. Note that if " m " = 0 and
[top = max/2;] where max = maximum(wid,hei), the figure will have a grid.
Finally the numbers at the axes will have size, font and kind determined by [tsi], [tfo] and [tki] where size is measured
in the screen pixels.
Usually the values at the ticks must be specified as well. However if the parameter [uni] = 0 these values are
determined automatically from the minimum and maximum values for x and y axes. These values, namely,
xmi xma fmi fma must be specified as the elements of the real array r() from the start index defined by the
parameter [beg]. Very often it is sufficient.
However, sometimes the automatical kind of graphics is unacceptable. In this case the parameter [uni]
must specify the index of the first element of the real array r() where the additional information about the
axes are stored. Let [unit=i;] where i > 0. Then the user must define
r(i) = fnor ( the unit for the functions, the figure will show f(x)/fnor ). This parameter does not influence axes but is useful.
r(i+1) = xmin (minimum value on the x axis)
r(i+2) = xmax (maximum value on the x axis)
r(i+3) = xmf (position of the first long tick on the x axis)
r(i+4) = xms (distance between long ticks on the x axis)
r(i+5) = xni (number of short ticks incide the region between two long ticks on the x axis)
r(i+6) = ymin (minimum value on the y axis)
r(i+7) = ymax (maximum value on the y axis)
r(i+8) = ymf (position of the first long tick on the y axis)
r(i+9) = yms (distance between long ticks on the y axis)
r(i+10) = yni (number of short ticks incide the region between two long ticks on the y axis)
Note the axes have the same structure as in the #window command because they are drawn by the same procedure.
The axes will be drawn with titles. Note that titles can be drawn separately by the operation [text]. So one have
an alternative way here. The number of titles is defined by [num] but the titles themselves are the arguments. The structure
of these arguments is: x y rts FT for each title. Here x and y
determine the position of the left-bottom corner of the title, FT is the formatted text of the corresponding title
(see about the formatted text in the command #print). rts determines the increasing or decreasing the font
size for this title relative to [tsi]. Standard values are [tsi=14;] rts=2.
#g [op=rfun; file=; mod=; num=; len=; nx=; ny=; beg=;]
This operation allows programmer to read the data for the functions which will be shown later on the figure
inside the box of axes. The numerical data are taken from the file of name which is determined by the parameter [file].
The data must be written in the file as floating point numbers in computer code (4 bytes per number) curve by curve.
Note that data of other format can be previously read and then rewritten by means of the command #io [file=].
However, there is an exception. If [file=here;], the numbers will be taken from the real array r() which first
index is determined by the parameter [beg]. The values of the array r() can be previously determined
by different ways.
As usual, the file can have the header. The size of the header in bytes must be determined by [len].
The number of dots per one curve in the file is determined by [nx] and it may be treated as a size of one column
of usual text representation. The number of columns in the file is determined by [ny]. However, the sense of the column
may be various and the current realization is dependent on the parameter [mod].
If [mod=0;] all columns are functions. The argument for these functions is taken from Xmin to Xmax with a
constant step. The values Xmin and Xmax are the arguments of command which must be placed before other
If [mod=1;] first column is argument for all functions whereas all other columns are functions.
The number of functions is [ny]-1.
If [mod=2;] then odd columns are arguments and even columns are functions. So each function has its own
arguments. The number of functions is [ny]/2.
After reading the data the minimum and maximum values for argiments and functions will be transferred to
programmer as elements of the real array r() starting from the elements of index [num]. Then this information can
be used for drawing axes.
#g [op=dfun; col=; nx=; ny=; mod=; beg=; msi=; mki=;]
This operation allows programmer to draw the functions inside the box of axes. The data for functions must be previously
read by operation [rfun]. The color is defined by [col]. The parameters [nx], [ny] and [mod] have the same sense as above.
The parameter [beg] defines the index of real array r() where the values xmi, xma, fmi, fma are stored for the axes
drawing. Note that these values must be the same as were determined by operation [rfun]. However, [rfun] put them from
index [num] but here the same index is defined by [beg]. Unfortunately this difference cannot be improved because [beg]
is used in [rfun] for other purpose. Be careful to define all parameters explicitly. Finally, the parameters [msi] and [mki]
defines the marker for drawing the function dots. If [msi] = 0 , the function will be shown as lines. If [msi] > 0 , its value
defines the marker size in screen pixels. The kind of markers is determined by [mki]. There are 4 cases: empty square
( [mki=1;] ), filled square ( [mki=2;] ), empty circle ( [mki=3;] ) and filled circle ( [mki=4;] ). The combination [rfun] [axes] [dfun]
can make the same work as #w [op=pf;] but here additional possibilities exist because one can draw different functions
by different colors and markers. In addition the region of axes may be different from the region of functions.
#g [op=axon; col=; num=; cod=; beg=; wid=; hei=; xsh=; ysh=; tsi=; tfo=; tki=;]
This operation allows programmer to draw the axonometrical projection of some 3-D object which is assumed to be
described by single-valued function z(x,y) where x, y, z are the 3-D space coordinates. The object is drawn by lines
across the x-z and y-z sections simultaneously or separately. The invisible lines are not shown. The object is placed
inside the coordinate axes which show the values of x, y and z coordinates. The axonometrical projection is made
using the point of view as a direction between (0,0,0) point of the object and point of view and a distance between these
points. The algorithm of eliminating invisible lines was elaborated for positive coordinate of direction near the [1,1,1].
Below all parameters are described step by step. The color is defined by [col]. The sizes of the picture are defined by
[wid] and [hei]. The position of the left-bottom corner is located at [xsh], [ysh]. The parameters of the font for values
are defined by [tfo], [tki], [tsi] similarly the operaion [op=text;]. The function z(x,y) is decribed by real array numbers
r() from the first element which is defined by [beg]. The other real parameters must be specified in the real array r()
starting from element of index [num]. The array of parameters has the following structure:
xmi, xma, xfm, xdm, ymi, yma, yfm, ydm, zmi, zma, zfm, zdm, vp1, vp2, vp3, vpm, hx, hy.
Here [xmi] and [xma] are the minimum and maximum values on the x-axis; [xfm] is value for the position of the first
short tick; [xdm] is the value difference between two short ticks. The parameters which names is starting with y and z
mean the same for y and z axes. Values [vp1], [vp2], [vp3] decsribe the direction of the view point for the axonometrical
projection. The three coordinates are used for convenience, really this vector is normalized to unity length. Separately,
the distance is described by the value [vpm] which is decimal logarithm of the distance to avoid inputting large values.
Be carefull to input not very large values because 3 means 1000, 5 means 100000 and so on. Normally [hx]=1 and [hy]=1.
These parameters are convenient if instead of the real space object one like to draw some dependence f(a,b) where [f], [a] and [b]
can have arbirtrary values. In this case to obtain the acceptable figure one must input the real values of arguments
and then to choose the scaling coeffcients for x and y axes [hx] and [hy] in such a way that [da]*[hx] [db]*[hy] will have
values close to [df] where da = [a]max - [a]min and the same for [b] and [f]. There are integer parameters as well. These
parameters must be determined in the integer array i() starting from the index [cod]. The array of parameters has the
following structure:
nx, ny, ngv, bot, top, nxfm, nxsm, nyfm, nysm, nzfm, nzsm, nax
Here [nx] is number of dots for x axis; [ny] is the same for y axis. The array of the function must contain only values without
arguments as a matrix of [nx][ny]. The parameter [ngv] must be equal to 1 (for xz sections) 2 (for yz sections) 3 (for both
sections simultaneously). The parameters [bot] and [top] describe the length of short and long ticks in units which are equal to
0.001 part of the diagonal for x and y axes correspondingly projected. Some correction will be made if [vp1] differs from [vp2].
The parameter [nxfm] is index of the first short tick which will be transformed to long tick and will have number. The
parameters [nxsm] is number of short ticks between two long ticks. Other parameters mean the same for y and z axes. The
last parameter [nax] describes the appearance of vertical axes. If [nax] = 0, the left and the right vertical axes will
appear togethter with the middle axis and horizontal lines of levels. If [nax] = 1, only the right vertical axis appears
near the x-axis. If [nax] = 2, only the left axis appears near the y-axis.
There is an example of ready program to show the object
#p [trx=0; try=0; sca=100;]
#d 6 i(1) 255 255 255 0 0 0
#col [b=1;le=2;fir=i(1);]
#g [op=open; twi=800; the=600; col=1;]
#d 12 i(1) 91 91 3 3 5 2 3 2 3 1 1 0
#d 18 r(1) -0,9 0,9 -0,9 0,1 -0,9 0,9 -0,9 0,1 0 1 0 0,1 1 1 1 3 1 1
#io [op=rd; n=91*91; file=surface.dat; fir=r(21);]
#g [op=axon; n=1; cod=1; beg=21; wid=600; hei=500; xsh=100; ysh=100; tfo=3; tki=0; tsi=14; col=2;]
#g [op=close; sav=0;] Test of Graphics\E
There are possibilities to change the whole figure without a change of the ACL-program. The figure can be translated and
scaled. The translation distances for each elements are defined by the parameters [trx] and [try]. The real position of elements are
defined by their coordinates plus the vector of transition. If this vector is nonzero the elements will be shifted. The parameter
[sca] allows one to scale the sizes of elements. This parameter is measured in percents so [sca=100;] means unchanged
objects. If [sca] < 100 all distances will be decreased including the sizes and the nominal positions (i. e. without
translation). If [sca] > 100 they will be increased. However, if [sca] is negative, the absolute value will be used but only the
sizes of the object will be scaled whereas the nominal positions will be unchanged. Note that such objects as [image] and [axes]
cannot be scaled (at least today) by size. The images are used as is. As for the size of axes it must be changed explicitly.
Very often the axes are made on images. So it is inconvenient to change one without other.
[ back to top ]
This is very simple but sometimes useful command. Since the ACL is a position insensitive
language the ACLI uses the pointer which scans the text of the program and can operate with
the character position inside the program text.
This command just puts the integer value which is equal to the position of its symbol [%]
plus 2 inside the program text to the variable [%]. Then this information can be used by programmer.
One of the useful application of this command consists of checking some interactive code
for the error. For this purpose there is the parameter [err]. Normally [err=0;]. In this case
any error in the ACL-program which is checked by ACLI will lead to interruption of the program
as it is described in general information. However, if programmer put #p [err=1;] then in the
case of error in some subsequent command the program simply go to the location which is defined
by current value of variable [%] and simultaneously [&]=10101. Therefore the combination
#p [err=1;] #% #case 10101 ... #end |
allows one to organized the specific error response when the program continues the work.
For example, it is useful in interactive code when some input field allows user to input
code dynamically and there is a possibility to improve code without stopping the program.
goto (go)
#go n
This is command of unconditional transition. In old languages it was very popular. However,
modern languages do not contain it at all or contain but give advice not to use it. The same
in ACL. It is not necessary to use this command because all can be done without it. In addition
to make a transition one must have a mark of location where the program must continue its work.
In ACL marks are absent. Therefore the argument [n] of the command has a sense of absolute number
of character of the program text counting from the beginning. It must be integer or letter of
integer value including [$],[%],[&]. Of course, it is very difficult to count the characters.
However, ACL has command #% which put the location of command to the variable [%]. This may be
used to create marks. Many locations may be determined and saved in the array elements and then
used for the transition. The transition may be done not only in the back direction but also in the
forward direction. In this case user needs to print first the location and then to use numerical
value. This command may be used in very complicated interactive program to realize some difficult
init (ini)
This is rather simple command which can be used in some special cases. The second version of ACLI
has a possibility to interrupt an execution of all loops if the user makes a click of menu item
[Exec // Stop execution]. Without a possibility to make loops the program quickly runs to finish.
However, just this command restore a normal possibility to make loops. So if the program has
this command, only the loop before it will be interrupted but all other will work. This command
is made for a future application of animation graphics. However it may be used when the program
has two parts and second part is independent of the first part.
Comments. The text of the comment may be written in any place of the program between the commands
with the fixed length, namely, all commands except #calc #data #exec. If it is necessary to write
the comment after these commands one may write before the comment the most simple operator of fixed
length #% . The user should remember that for converting the command into the comment it is sufficient
to erase one symbol [#] .
Other method to make some commands out of the program consists of opening the new procedure with
these commands having any name. Then the commands will work only after call by the operator #exec.
The comment both between the parameters in the FPD and between the values in the field of arguments must
begin with the sign [;] and end by the sign [=] (the signs [;] and [=] are the brackets for comment).
[ back to top ]
Commands alphabetically
# a=..; i(1)=..; r(1)=..; s(1)=..; t(1)=..;
#cas cod ... #end |
#col [beg= ; len= ; fir= ;]
#d 5 r(1) 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8*2 2 i(1) 1 2
#e [cod=..;] NAME NAME ...
#e _NAME
#e [cod=..; file=..;] file
#e [cod=..; beg=..; len==;] text
#f [op=choo;]
#f [op=copy; num=; file=newtotal;] file1.txt\E file2.txt\E ...
#f [op=dele; file=any;]
#f [op=divi; file=any; form=any; beg=; len=; num=; xsh=;]
#f [op=edit; mod=; file=any;]
#f [op=fcat; file=any;]
#f [op=find; beg=; len=; file=any;]
#f [op=fold; file=any;]
#f [op=list; file=any; cod=; beg=;]
#f[op=line; file=any; num=; beg=; len=;]
#f [op=repl; beg=; len=; mod=; file=any;]
#f [op=size; file=any;]
#g [op=open; twi=; the=; col=;]
#g [op=cont; num=;]
#g [op=close; sav=; form=;] FT
#g [op=text; nx=; ny=; col=; tfo=; tki=; tsi=; sty=;] FT
#g [op=line; nx=; ny=; col=; num=; beg=;]
#g [op=area; nx=; ny=; col=; num=; beg=; mod=;]
#g [op=rect; nx=; ny=; wid=; hei=; col=; mod=;]
#g [op=oval; nx=; ny=; wid=; hei=; col=; mod=;]
#g [op=arc; nx=; ny=; wid=; hei=; col=; mod=; beg=; len=;]
#g [op=image; nx=; ny=; num=; file=;]
#g [op=axes; col=; beg=; wid=; hei=; xsh=; ysh=; bot=; top=; sty=; tfo=; tki=; tsi=; uni=; num=;]
#g [op=rfun; file=; mod=; num=; len=; nx=; ny=; beg=;]
#g [op=dfun; col=; nx=; ny=; mod=; beg=; msi=; mki=;]
#g [op=axon; col=; num=; cod=; beg=; wid=; hei=; xsh=; ysh=; tsi=; tfo=; tki=;]
#go n
#inp [n=..; len=..; mo=..; ysh=..;] FT FT FT -> [&]
#io [op=..; fir=..; n=..; file=..; form=..;]
#m [op=txt;] FT
#m [op=win;] FT
#m [op=oce;] FT -> [&]
#m [op=yno;] FT -> [&]
#ma [op=mtr; beg=; nx=; ny=;]
#ma [op=fno; beg=; nx=; ny=; mod=;]
#ma [op=mss; beg=; nx=; ny=;]
#ma [op=vmc; beg=; len=;] after # C=..;
#ma [op=fft; beg=; nx=;]
#ma [op=mmi; num=; beg=; nx=; ny=; wig=; hei=; sav=; file=; form=;]
#ma [op=mcg; num=; beg=; nx=; ny=; sav=; file=; form=;]
#ma [op=fis; beg=; nx=; ny=; siz=;]
#ma [op=mii; beg=; nx=; my=; mod=;]
#p [...]
#pas n r(101) r(501)
#pri FT
#pro NAME ... @
#read [fir=..; n=..; beg=..; len=..;]
#rep n ... #end
#sel [nx=..;ny=..;mod=..;] FT FT -> [&]
#te [op=find; beg=..; len=..; n=..; cod=..;]
#te [op=repl; beg=..; len=..; cod=..; mod=..;]
#te [op=trim; beg=..; len=..;]
#w [op=im; file=; form=; num=; mod=; beg=; len=; twi=; the=; wid=; hei=;
xsh=; ysh=; sty=; bot=; top=; nx=; ny=; sav=;]
#w [op=pf; file=; form=; beg=; len=; mod=; twi=; the=; wid=; hei=; xsh=; ysh=;
sty=; bot=; top=; nx=; ny=; sav=; tsi=; uni=; tfo=; tki=; msi=; mki=;]
#w [op=mm; file=; form=; beg=; sav=; twi=; the=; wid=; hei=; sty=; bot=;
top=; tsi=; uni=; tfo=; tki=;]
#w [op=ff; form=; sav=; num=; beg=;] FT
#z [op=cat; file=;]
#z [op=sfo; file=; num=;] FT FT ...
#z [op=gfo; file=; num=; mod=;] FT FT ...
#z [op=sfi; file=; num=;] FT FT ...
#z [op=gfi; file=; num=; mod=;] FT FT ...
Parameters by name
f [first] // text 8 bytes
o [operation] // text 4 bytes
fil [file] // text 42 bytes
fo [format] // text 42 bytes
b (begin) == s(9)
bo (bottom) == s(19)
c (code) == s(8)
col )color) == s(29)
er (error) == s(26)
hei (height) == s(15)
le (length) == s(10)
mk (mkind) == s(33)
mo (mode) == s(11)
ms (msize) == s(32)
n (number) == s(7)
nx (nxfunc) == s(21)
ny (nyfunc) == s(22)
sa (save) == s(23)
sc (scale) == s(36)
siz (size) == s(38)
st (style) == s(18)
tf (tfont) == s(30)
th (theight) == s(13)
tk (tkind) == s(31)
to (top) == s(20)
trx (trx) == s(34)
try (try) == s(35)
ts (tsize) == s(24)
tw (twidth) == s(12)
wid (width) == s(14)
xs (xshift) == s(16)
ys (yshift) == s(17)
un (units) == s(25)
Dynamical parameters
s(1) - size of file in bytes in #f [op=size;], if s(1)=0, file is absent
---- number of locations in #te [op=find;]
s(2) - number of repetititon in #f [op=find;]
---- number of names in #f [op=list;]
s(3) - beginning of next record in #pri #inp
s(4) - beginning of made last record in #pri #file #input ...)
s(5) - size of last made record in #pri #file #input ...)
s(6) - size of filled part of textarr t() for saving to file and showing
Formatted text
FT == ...\b ...\t ...\n ...\r
...\" ...\' ...\\ ...\- ...\# ...\@
...\[ ...\] ...\D ...\T<ifc> <nc>
...\U n n n*m ; ...\N<nt> <nf> n n n ;
...\G n n n ; ...\B<nt> <nf> n n n ; ...\E
[ back to top ]
There are ready programs in the folger "proc" which can be examined and used as
examples. These programs contain commands of interactive form of working. This form
is convenient for ready and well done programs. However, for many simple tasks it is
sufficient to use an internal environment with menu items "Execute program" and
"Show textarr". For short i will call them as [Ep] and [St].
The most simple program looks like this
#pri Hello World\E #stop
You can type it, then make [Ep] and then [Sp]. You will see "Hello world".
More complicated program can be like this
# a=2; b=a^2; c=sin(a/b);
#pri a =\N2 0 a;\n b =\N2 0 b;\n\-
c =\G c;\n\E #stop
Type it, then make [Ep] and then [Sp]. Note that on desktop you can make Copy and
then Paste in the program editor.
This program uses the calculations and more complicated form of printing. The
formatted text (FT) begins with any symbol (not blanck) and ends with \E. Note
a necessity of the expression \- before end of line when the FT is not over. See
description to understand what means the argument of the operator print (#pri).
Of course if you want to calculate some function on the array of points you need
to use cycle. This may be done like this
# x=-2; N=101; #% first argument and number of points
#rep N #% repeat N times
# f=100*exp(-x^2); g=80*exp(-(x-0,5)^2); #% calculate two functions
#pri \G x f g;\n\E #% print current argument and two functions
# x=x+0,04; #% change argument
#end #stop #% end of cycle and stop
Type it, then make [Ep] and then [Sp].
You will see a table of three columns. Such table is ready for many graphical
program. However there is a problem. Format \G is unacceptable for many standard
programs due to absence of E before degree of ten and comma instead of point.
Of course, you can use other format like this
#pri \B11 3 x f g;\n\E
This format will give standard representation of the values.
The table is saved in the file (textarr.txt) on the main folder of program.
You can use this file. But there is other way to save the data in the file.
You calculate first array r() and then save it. The program may look like this.
# x=-2; N=101; i=1;
#rep N
# r(i)=x; i=i+1;
r(i)=100*exp(-x^2); i=i+1;
r(i)=80*exp(-(x-0,5)^2); i=i+1;
# x=x+0,04;
#f [op=folder; file=myfold;]
#io [op=wf;n=N*3;fir=r(1);file=myfile;form=E3.11.3;]
Now the table will be saved in the file (myfile) inside the folder (myfold).
If the folder or file were absent, they will be created.
The data may be shown directly on figure created by ACL itself. This may be done
by additional code like this
#math [op=mtr;beg=1;nx=3;ny=N;]
#d 3 i(1) 255 0 0
#col [beg=2; len=1; fir=i(1);]
#d 16 s(10) 0 1 240 320 200 220 30 60 0 3
6 101 4 0 14 0
#w [op=pf; file=here; num=2; beg=1;]
100 30 Argument (a. u.)\E
70 305 Gaussians (arb. units)\E
In the code above the first command rearrange the array so that first there are all values
of argument, then all values of the first function and then the same for the second
function. It is necessary for the graphics program.
Next two command define the color of line for the second function as red. Then the
arguments for the graphics are defined. Finally the last command makes the graphics.
You can always write the total code command by command. However, sometimes it is not
convenient. There is a possibility to make procedure previously and then use it. However,
you cannot write the code where the procedure is used first and then it is defined
as in some compiled languages. There is a simple example.
# &=2;
#pro aaaa # x=1; @
#pro aaab # x=2; @
#pro aaac # x=3; @
#e [cod=1;] aaaa
#e [cod=2;] aaab
#e [cod=3;] aaac
As a result of this code we obtain x=2 because only the second procedure will be
executed. The variable [&] has special meaning and it replaces all the logic in ACL.
The main difference of ACL from other languages is an absence of logical variables
and logical operator. All other languages have three operators
if( condition ){ operations } in C and Java
if( condition ) then
endif in Fortran
while( condition ){ operations } in C and Java
do while( condition )
enddo in Fortran
switch(var){case 1: break case 2: break . . .} in C and Java
select case(var)
. . .
endselect in Fortran
In ACL all these operators are absent, instead of them only one command
#case cod operations #end or #end | or #end()
makes all the work.
This command makes operations only if cod=& condition is fulfilled where cod is fixed
value but & can change its value. Of course, this condition cannot replace all logic in
a pure sense. However mathematical operation are added by two new operations [<] and [>]
and this allows one to obtain all logic.
For example, command in Fortran like this
if( a .eq. 1 ) then
can be written in ACL as
# &=a; #case 1 somethind #end |
The more complicated command in Fortran like this
if( a .le. 1 .and. b .ge. 2 )then
can be written in ACL as
# &=(a-1)>0+(2-b)>0; #case 0 somethind #end |
Another condition
( a .le. 1 .or. b .ge. 2 )
is equivalent to
# &=(a-1)>0*(2-b)>0; #case 0 ...
In principle all conditions in "if()" operator can be written as equality to zero of some
expression. The command #end | will change & to 12345 and then the body of cycle will be
fulfilled only once or not fulfilled. To obtain the form "do while()" one has to use the
form #end and calculate the variable & incide the cycle once again. The form "select case"
is most simple. You define & once and then use many commands #case ... #end | with
different cod. For example,
# &=2;
#case 1 ... #end |
#case 2 ... #end |
#case 3 ... #end |
and so on. This form is especially useful for creating the interface between program and user
when the user select some button from the table of buttons.
The commands of any language can be divided on primitive commands which are a base of language
and complex command which can be created from primitive commands as a procedure and are not
necessary in a pure sense. However, in languages which are used without compiling there is
difference between the procedure and ready command because the latter works much faster. The number
of primitive commands is usually restricted, but the number of ready procedures can be as much as
it is wanted by the language creators. That is why the number of such commands is not large in
ACL but it will be increased when i will have time for this work.
The typical examples of very complicated command are #w and #f [op=edit;]. To use such command
you need to read a description with attention and try it to use. The absence of compilation
make the work fast and simple.