Виктор Кон,   vkBook, Java-Second

Класс butImage

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class butImage extends JDialog implements ActionListener, MouseMotionListener {
 public static String ps;
 public static int mod,x1,y1,x2,y2;
 int kx,ky,nx,ny,ifs,m;
 Container pcont; JButton mb; JTextArea ta; 
 public butImage(Frame own, String tit, ImageIcon img, boolean ok){
  super(own); setTitle(tit); setResizable(false); setModal(ok);
  m=0; x1=0; y1=0; x2=0; y2=0;
  ifs=3; nx=img.getIconWidth(); ny=img.getIconHeight();
  mb = new JButton(img); mb.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0)); 
  mb.setActionCommand("but"); mb.addActionListener(this);
  mb.addMouseMotionListener(this); JScrollPane scrP = new JScrollPane(mb);
  ta = new JTextArea("(0,0)"); ta.setEditable(false);
  pcont = getContentPane(); 
  pcont.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(ifs), BorderLayout.NORTH);
  pcont.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(ifs), BorderLayout.WEST);
  pcont.add(scrP, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  pcont.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(ifs), BorderLayout.EAST);
  pcont.add(ta, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
  Dimension scrS = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
  if( nx < scrS.width && ny < scrS.height-60 ){pack();}else{setSize(scrS.width,scrS.height);}
  setDefaultCloseOperation(2); this.show();  

 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   mod=e.getModifiers(); ps=e.paramString(); this.setVisible(false); this.dispose();

 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
  kx=e.getX()-2; if(kx < 1){kx=1;} if(kx > nx){kx=nx;}
  ky=ny-e.getY()+3; if(ky < 1){ky=1;} if(ky > ny){ky=ny;}
  ta.setText(" (" + kx + "," + ky + ")  of  [" + nx + "," + ny + "]");
  x1=kx; y1=ky;

 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
  kx=e.getX()-2; if(kx < 1){kx=1;} if(kx > nx){kx=nx;}
  ky=ny-e.getY()+3; if(ky < 1){ky=1;} if(ky > ny){ky=ny;}
  ta.setText(" (" + kx + "," + ky + ")  of  [" + nx + "," + ny + "]");
  if(m == 0){m=1; x1=kx; y1=ky;}else{x2=kx; y2=ky;}

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